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BLUBALLS 300G Bluballs are large surface plastic Bio ball which ensures an efficient biological f..

Size:2.5'' x 0.0'' x 0.0''

Ferplast BLUCLEAR 03
Ferplast BLUCLEAR 03

BLUCLEAR 03 CARBON SPONGE Bluclear are activated carbon spare sponges suitable for internal aquar..

Size:5.0'' x 5.7'' x 13.5''

Ferplast BLUCLEAR 05
Ferplast BLUCLEAR 05

BLUCLEAR 05 CARBON SPONGE Bluclear are activated carbon spare sponges suitable for internal aquar..

Size:6.5'' x 6.3'' x 19.0''

Ferplast BLUCLEAR 07
Ferplast BLUCLEAR 07

BLUCLEAR 07 CARBON SPONGE Bluclear are activated carbon spare sponges suitable for internal ..

Size:8.3'' x 7.3'' x 23.7''

Ferplast BLUCLEAR 09
Ferplast BLUCLEAR 09

BLUCLEAR 09 CARBON SPONGE Bluclear are activated carbon spare sponges suitable for internal ..

Size:8.5'' x 7.5'' x 32.0''

Ferplast BLUCLEAR 1500
Ferplast BLUCLEAR 1500

BLUCLEAR 1500  CARBON SPONGE Ideal for all kinds of aquariums, both for fresh and marine wat..

Size:21.0'' x 21.0'' x 6.0''

Ferplast BLUCLEAR 700/1100
Ferplast BLUCLEAR 700/1100

BLUCLEAR 700-1100 CARBON SPONGE Ideal for all kinds of aquariums, both for fresh and marine water..

Size:19.5'' x 18.5'' x 4.5''


BLUFIBRE 100G Blufibre is a synthetic fibre, neutral and non-toxic, which ensures an effective me..

Size:0.0'' x 0.0'' x 0.0''

Ferplast BLUMEC 03
Ferplast BLUMEC 03

BLUMEC 03 MECHANICAL SPONGE Blumec are spare sponges with different porosity suitable for the int..

Size:4.3'' x 5.3'' x 19.7''

Ferplast BLUMEC 05
Ferplast BLUMEC 05

BLUMEC 05 MECHANICAL SPONGE Blumec are spare sponges with different porosity suitable for the int..

Size:6.0'' x 5.3'' x 10.8''

Ferplast BLUMEC 07
Ferplast BLUMEC 07

BLUMEC 07 MECHANICAL SPONGE Blumec are spare sponges with different porosity suitable for the int..

Size:7.9'' x 7.9'' x 13.5''

Ferplast BLUMEC 09
Ferplast BLUMEC 09

BLUMEC 09 MECHANICAL SPONGE Blumec are spare sponges with different porosity suitable for the int..

Size:13.0'' x 8.0'' x 6.0''

Ferplast BLUMEC 1500
Ferplast BLUMEC 1500

BLUMEC 1500 MECHANICAL SPONGE The mechanical sponges Blumec for fresh and marine water are availa..

Size:21.0'' x 21.0'' x 6.0''

Ferplast BLUMEC 700-1100
Ferplast BLUMEC 700-1100

BLUMEC 700-1100 MECHANICAL SPONGE The mechanical sponges Blumec for fresh and marine water are av..

Size:19.5'' x 18.5'' x 4.5''


BLUMODULAR SPONGE Ideal both for fresh and marine water aquariums, the sponges Blumodular Sponge ..

Size:7.5'' x 6.5'' x 8.0''